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Support Us

Whether you’re an individual, a trust, foundation, philanthropist or impact investor, your donation will support our efforts to investigate and safeguard the rights of marginalised groups against serious human rights and labor rights violations by governments, and businesses.

Your gift can be flexible or restricted to a specific area of our work and will eneable us to give voice to the voiceless and hold those responsible to account by exposing injustice and hidden human rights abuses, allowing rights-holders themselves to speak truth to power and organise for change.



We will ensure your gift has the greatest impact possible by:

Giving specialist advice on areas of our work you can support

Providing guidance on tax-efficient giving, including gifts of shares and cryptocurrency

Offering assistance with estate and legacy planning as well as in memory giving

Our team will:


Showcase and provide evidence of the impact of your gift


Introduce you to like-minded supporters


Connect you with our programme staff and wider team so you can learn more about our work


Keep you informed of our latest work and developments

Setting up a monthly donation

You can set up a recurring monthly donation to Equidem by clicking below. You can increase the monthly payment amount by increasing the quantity number on the payment page.

Donate now

Equidem thanks the following foundations and partners for their generous support


Humanity United


Open Society Foundations


The Freedom Fund


The Sigrid Rausing Trust

